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SVR134 | 2023-10-27  
In the ever-evolving landscape of electronic music, the collaborative efforts between talented artists often yield remarkable outcomes. Lindja and Wouter Achterberg, two names that are relatively new in the scene recently joined forces to create ‘Daydreaming’, a track that ventures into the world of chill melodic beats and progressive driven basslines. From the moment you press play, ‘Daydreaming' envelops you in an airy ambiance. The track's intro is a gentle ascent into an unique soundscape, with layers of shimmering synths and delicate melodies that feel like an invitation to escape reality. Both Lindja's and Wouter’s signature touches, characterized by intricate sound design and emotive composition, are unmistakable in this collaboration. We’re confident we will hear much more incredible music from these gifted artists.

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