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I'll Be There


Music Is The Drug
MITD97 | 2018-07-23  
Between heaven which gives, and the flower which receives, light is the mediation. The mystery of assimilation of that which is received and absorbed. Music Is The Drug presents DIEZEL in his "I'll be there" EP including, 2 original mixes.

Happy is he who dares to destroy the phantoms of the past in order to find his own eternal likeness I'll be there is the machine gun Kelly in a syllogism of techno heavy. The turbulence touch of the groove penetrates your tonal pattern, like a earthquake 9.5 in the perfect dancing evoking groove. This is a signature fire that makes you inquire higher.

Thrice happy he who is in love with the void, who fears not to plunge into the abyss where creative faith can lose nothing but its shadow, and the Living soul nothing but its dead Ghost. It's Not Over is DIEZEL landing on Jupiter with his spaceship, in the essence of a four leaf clover luckiness. The vocals penetrate you bright in a fight, knowing it's not over, he's got the light. The fury effects of the synth are the raving flip of this trip. The multiplier effect of the vocals drive you with respect stoical. This track is enormous; and will require a dance floor chorus.

Artwork by G e o r g e   V a r g a s

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