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HHSUB001 | 2021-04-30  
The Hype
Original Mix (4:30)
Jah Said
Original Mix (5:03)
Warp Speed
Original Mix (5:14)
Pull Up
Original Mix (5:00)
Over the past year or so I have watched as the releases on Holding Hands got more and more intense. Don't get me wrong, I love it. Intense and straight to the face was always the plan for the label. At the same time I do have slightly more varied taste and I had been getting sent a decent amount of incredible music that didn't quite fit on the original outlet. My first love when it comes to electronic music is dark, eyes down, bass heavy and so it seemed like now was the perfect time to create a label with a slightly deeper angle to accommodate this sort of thing.

Yosh was one of those people who had sent me some serious fire. I had been chatting to him here and there on Instagram over the last year but I hadn't heard any of his music. Finally, on a whim I asked him to send me some and boy am I glad he did! I completely fell in love with his vibe and it seemed to perfectly encapsulate the sound that I wanted to push on Holding Hands Submerged. Don't for a second think that this is some lounge listening ambient business. These are club weapons firing on all cylinders. It's just that the cylinders make you keep your eyes down and your stank face on at all times.

On top of being a sick producer, it turns out Yosh is also a total legend. I'm so happy that I get to release some of his music and that I've got to know such a lovely guy.
OK enough of my blather. Go and listen to the damn things yourself and decide if you like them, rather than trying to work it out from reading a bloody press release you weirdos.

All four tracks are produced and sculpted for the club. They want big sound systems and dark rooms. Close your eyes, hold hands and experience transcendental space flight...

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