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Et Andet Sted Tribute Album

DJ G2G, Peachlyfe, Frederik Tollund, Savile, Ctrls, Sinners Support Team, HLLW, Terkel Høngaard, Johannes Astrup, Sugar, Tino, Anders Dahl, Andi Müller, AN Yunbi, DJ LOSER, Xuri, Kasper Marott, Neri J, Mr. Free, Matriak and Sisi

Another Name
AN02 | 2022-01-15  
Another Name Label's second release AN02-Et Andet Sted Tribute Album.
The release is a compilation of 22 tracks from artists who have played or been connected to the former underground club Et Andet Sted. The album explores the diverse outer reaches of the underground electronic music scene in Copenhagen, including an experimental mix of four-to-the-floor house, fast techno and trance euphoria that may tickle some warm memories of the countless of hours spent on the dancefloor of Et Andet Sted.
The album is released as a double CD and with a printed poster artwork inside and in a digital format. All tracks are mixed and mastered by Troels B. Knudsen.
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