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Start of a Journey

Madden (ES)

TB021 | 2023-03-10  
Most of our daily decisions are automated. Trivial. Based on culture or social expectations. When navigating those waters, everything feels under control, smooth - irrelevant.

At some point in life, everyone needs to make a crucial decision: something that will not just determine the next few seconds but the following years of your existence. Once you have made up your mind and are ready to commit to one road, the uncertainty of what awaits at the end of the other one starts to fade. A dream with a deadline is a goal. When divided into pieces, it becomes a plan. A person with a plan only needs to focus on the next tiny step, with total certainty that the prize awaits at the other end.

This song was written while soaking in the emotion of excitement and slight uncertainty of the start of a journey, with a heart full of hope and best intentions to get underway.

Mastered by Alex Psaroudakis

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