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Future Generations


Kognitiv Records
KR019 | 2023-03-24  
Introducing 'Future Generations' - the latest release from DeVante, the owner of Kognitiv Records. This thought-provoking track is a testament to DeVante's unique sound, featuring long basslines, emotive pianos and uplifting pads that perfectly complement the spoken-word vocal.

The lyrics of 'Future Generations' are particularly powerful, touching on the importance of love and kindness in raising the next generation of caring, loving human beings. This message is one that resonates with audiences of all ages and backgrounds, making the track a must-listen for anyone looking for a meaningful musical experience.

Overall, 'Future Generations' is an excellent addition to the Kognitiv Records catalogue and a testament to DeVante's talent as an artist and producer. It's a track that will connect with listeners on a personal level and leave a lasting impression on those who hear it. So, be sure to check it out and experience it for yourself!

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