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RCLP03 | 2023-03-30  
“Todo Es Ahora” is an encounter with consciousness in relation to the transit of the present in the events of the body. A contrast between the mysterious forces that draw us to the world, that primal connection, and the deep dissociation created by human beings between them and the Earth.With his debut album , Quito's Esteban Sanchez aka Isla Saturno has gone searching. In this search, he discovered great depth and peeled back many layers of nuance and emotion. It's an extremely sensitive journey, at times soothing, at times more thought provoking and melancholy. Esteban finds a way to effortlessly blend more traditional rhythms and instrumentation with modern production and synthesis, like it was always meant to be that way. Calling on a number of collaborators, Esteban has produced a series of songs to highlight the title and in fact write in bold, Todo Es Ahora.Distributed by Label Engine -

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