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MEL0037 | 2023-06-09  
KASI have led him to become a benchmark in Barcelona clubbing. Since he was little, he was soaked in the disco and pop music that his whole family listened to at home. In a very short time he came to perform at Sonar, and has shared the bill and booth with artists of the stature of The Toxic Avenger, Yall, Maluca, Nomi Ruiz, Hercules & Love Affair, Dj's From Mars, beGun, KiC dj's or Kosmos. Now he is back, and he does it by premiering LOKOVOX in Melómana; with remix by Gameboyz.

The result is a work of contrasts, which culminates in a twilight piece, slow burning, capable of suspending us calmly in the void, based on subtle soft and vaporous melodies. The EP drags us in a sweet and bubbly way, managing to link the most complex structure with the most Dionysian energy, like the one added by Gameboyz, thus allowing the listener to enjoy and taste it in equal parts.

We are facing a material that is neither new nor is it going to reactivate the popularity of its mental and physical invoice sound, but its merit is -and that is not little- in updating ideas that had been dormant for some time, or poorly disseminated, to which suddenly they have been given a new jolt to wake up again. The record is an ideal way to reconcile with this pure, exploratory sound that true aficionados always know how to appreciate and applaud.

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