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GU841 | 2023-07-07  
Kevin McKay met Michael Kilkie in the early 90s while both were resident DJs at The Tunnel in Glasgow. Kilkie controlled the main room, where his high-octane blend of House turned him into one of Scotland's first superstar DJs. McKay's domain was Room 2, where he tempted Glasgow's glitterati onto the dancefloor with a mix of US house and garage. While their music styles were different, they were both party-starters at heart. At the time, Glasgow had an incredible post-club culture that centred around all-night food venues like Change At Jamaica (where they would serve you cold beer disguised in a teapot). So they would often be found there, setting the world to rights, alongside other Glaswegian DJs and club workers. Fast forward 30 years, and Kilkie is now a celebrated chef. On one of his many trips to the capital, the two old friends reconnected and hatched a plan to make some music. Kilkie's first idea was to create a club version of a guilty pleasure of his; Donna Lewis' "I Love You Always Forever". McKay loved the idea and enlisted Darcey, a brilliant vocalist best known for performing on Weiss' "Ain't Me Without You". The resulting mix is pure summer with a deep house beat. So open the windows, bask in the sunshine and play it loud.

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