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Two Natures/Message From the Deep

Static Guru

Emotional Content Recordings
ECR131 | 2023-06-30  
Track 1 - Two Natures:
"Two Natures" is a progressive breaks track that captivates with its ethereal vocals, atmospheric pads, and Latin guitar samples. Static Guru blends these elements seamlessly, creating a mesmerizing sonic experience. The intricate percussion and pulsating basslines drive the track forward, while the ethereal vocals soar above, adding an extra layer of celestial beauty. Prepare to be transported to otherworldly realms as Static Guru showcases their talent for crafting immersive and emotive soundscapes.

Track 2 - Message from the Deep:
"Message from the Deep" is an electronica track that enchants with its serene melodies and chilled-out vibes. Perfect for sunsets and chillout sets, this mesmerizing composition invites you to relax and let the music wash over you. The delicate melodies unfold like a tranquil oasis, creating a serene and tranquil atmosphere. Immerse yourself in the dreamy textures and smooth grooves of "Message from the Deep" as Static Guru takes you on a deep dive into a world of sonic tranquility.

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