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AHD347 | 2023-11-24  
Ignacio Salgado's latest release on AH Digital, titled "Attuale," is a proof to his prowess as a producer. With its captivating melodies, driving beats, and ethereal atmospheres, "Attuale" is a track that immediately grabs the listener's attention and takes them on a mesmerizing journey.
Alongside the title track "Attuale," you will find another original gem, "Fuoco." It showcases Salgado's ability to craft intricate melodies and rhythms that fuse seamlessly with his signature sound.

What sets this release apart is the inclusion of remixes that add fresh perspectives to these already stellar tracks. "Attuale" undergoes transformation at the hands of two talented remixers, Munz (AR) and Ezequiel Perini, bringing their unique touch to the composition. Meanwhile, "Fuoco" gets the remix treatment from the dynamic duo of Alex Efe and Diego Berrondo.

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