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BFM009 | 2023-11-24  
Introducing Rudy Julius: Formerly Known as Rudydadj, Rising Music Star's Explosive Two-Track E.P. 'Suno'After captivating the world with his debut E.P 'Everywhere', Rudy Julius is back with an electrifying two-track offering, 'Suno.' This highly-anticipated release is set to hit the music scene just in time to ignite the spring season with its infectious beats and soulful melodies.

Suno' promises to be a musical journey that encapsulates Rudy Julius's evolution as an artist. The E.P. is a fusion of his personal experiences, raw emotions, and undeniable talent. Each track is crafted with precision, carrying the listener through a range of emotions and musical landscapes.

Rudy Julius is renowned for his dynamic and pioneering productions, skillfully fusing traditional African rhythms with contemporary electronic beats.

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