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Lyra's Dreamscape


BAK053 | 2024-01-15  
? Embark on a Journey: "Lyra's Dreamscape"

Music, for me, is a profound language that resonates with the depths of our being. "Lyra's Dreamscape" holds a special place in my heart—a composition crafted a few years ago. Its first notes graced the stage at the Body and Soul Festival in 2018, alongside incredible talents like Massive Attack, John Hopkins, and NERD.

This track, like many of my creations, seeks to unravel the intricacies of sound—a humble exploration of our shared human experiences, dreams, and aspirations. "Lyra's Dreamscape" isn't just a piece of music; it's a key to unlocking the energies within.

I extend an invitation to take a moment, listen, and let the melodies carry you. In a world of wonder and beauty, this track offers a glimpse into the everyday magic surrounding us.

"Lyra's Dreamscape" by Phraktal is my sincere expression of our collective dreams and hopes, woven into the fabric of music.

So, if you're seeking a genuine and enchanting musical experience, give "Lyra's Dreamscape" a listen. Let the melodies and rhythms guide you on a journey as authentic as it is captivating. ?✨
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