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PAP072 | 2024-01-02  
Introducing "Peace Army," a collaborative musical journey that transcends borders and genres. Born in the vibrant city of Berlin during a chance encounter on Shan Nash's tour in July 2022, the Peace Army project came to life as Shan Nash and SIAAH joined creative forces. Their Berlin connection expanded with the inclusion of HATAMI, adding the unique melody to the project.

Upon returning to Los Angeles, the vision of Peace Army evolved further as the trio shared their idea with Ali Farahani. His artistic flair became the missing piece, contributing to the creation of an inspiring track that pulsates with creativity and innovation.

But the story doesn't end there. As the collective spirit of Peace Army grew stronger, they invited Teklix to put his spin on the project with a mesmerizing remix. The result is a sonic fusion that seamlessly blends groovy rhythms and hypnotic melodies, offering listeners a captivating experience that goes beyond the boundaries of conventional music.

"Peace Army" is not just a track; it's a testament to the power of collaboration, diversity, and the universal language of music. Get ready to immerse yourself in a world where beats and melodies converge, inviting you to dance, reflect, and celebrate the magic of artistic unity. Enjoy the musical journey crafted by the Peace Army — a testament to the boundless possibilities when creativity knows no limits.

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