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TERR081 | 2024-01-12  
After a solid year or so on heavy rotation in Plastician's sets, we're proud to finally be able to introduce "Speed Demon" to the masses. A four to the floor ravey belter - something very rare in Plastician's back catalog as a producer, you'd have to go all the way back to 2004 to find his release on ARMY Records - The Rush / Gotcha for his last. This one is a fun tool for DJ's and a step back from the more experimental / ethereal sounds we've been used to hearing from Stish in the past 5 years or so - off the back of the successes of "Dreading" and "Bring Dat" - we're treated to another outing from him with a garage lean. With a strong nod to some of his favourite tracks of the late 90's speed garage era, we expect this one to be a firm favourite with DJ's across a broad spectrum of scenes around the world.

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