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SELECTED. 275 | 2024-03-22  
Ape Drums - Nobody Knows ft. Clementine Douglas
Ape Drums – or Eric Alberto-Lopez as he’s otherwise known – is a Houston-born, Miami-based DJ and producer, and member of internationally celebrated chart topping super-group, Major Lazer. With a unique signature sound that fuses pop leaning sensibilities with Caribbean and Latin inspired rhythms, the in-demand US artist has carved his own path as one of the most respected artists in electronic music over the past decade, since bursting onto the solo scene with his 2014 debut single ‘Bashment'.
Now, as he looks to grab 2024 by the proverbial horns, Eric lands on Selected. for the first time with his powerful new cut ’Nobody Knows’. Teaming up with Chicago-based singer-songwriter Clementine Douglas, who has enjoyed considerable career success following huge collaborations with the likes of Chase & Status, Meduza, Sonny Fedora and MK (amongst others), the two American artists come together for the first time to unleash an exquisite vocal house cut that oozes attitude and flair from the very first beat. Check it out!
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