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Me Come La Mente EP


Juuz Records
JRD006 | 2024-01-13  
A new release is on the horizon, this time featuring the young Mexican artist, Mike.D.

"Me Come La Mente" means "my mind eats me," or, in other words, as Lao Tzu put it, "He who conquers others is strong; he who conquers himself is mighty."

"Se Quedan En Silencio" means "They remain silent." Although the track title encourages you to stay quiet and focus on observing and listening to the present, we believe that the dancefloors won't stay silent once the filthy drop explodes.

His two original tracks have been reimagined by ckb and Suolo, adding distinct yet harmonious perspectives to Mike.D's incredible production.

The bonus items include an interview with the artist and a high-quality album artwork cover. If you're curious about the adorable creature featured on the cover, it's a unique Mexican animal called the Axolotl.

Mastered by: ckb.

Distributed by Label Engine -

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