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OST045 | 2024-02-16  
'Remember Me' is an upcoming Afro House song produced by DJ Producer SMALL F in collaboration with South African singer Thabiso Vocalist. This collaboration brings together two talented artists from different genres, creating a unique fusion of electronic and vocal elements.

The song has a powerful beat that emphasizes the vocals, creating a catchy and memorable sound that will appeal to a wide variety of listeners. The combination of SMALL F's electronic production and Thabiso's vocals will create a unique sound that is sure to be a hit with Afro House fans.

Thabiso Vocalist brings his South African roots to 'Remember Me,' infusing the song with a distinct African flavor. His soulful and emotive vocals add depth and emotion to the track, creating a memorable listening experience. The fusion of African and electronic music in 'Remember Me' is a testament to the versatility and creativity of both artists involved.

The song will be released under the record label Ostowana. Ostowana is a renowned record label that specializes in Afro House music, with a proven track record of releasing high-quality tracks that resonate with fans worldwide.
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