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Love Myself But I Can't Make It Love

Kito Jempere

Kito Jempere Records
KJR038 | 2024-05-17  
In “A Book Of Kito”, published in October 2023 Kito Jempere says he makes an album once in three years, in 2024 we now know that’s a lie. The 5th studio album by Kito Jempere is coming this year.

“Love Myself But I Can’t Make It Love '' is the first album single taking Kito back 20 years to when he was just entering the scene playing guitar and singing in the 4-piece band “Naked Lunch”. The same acoustic guitar from his school years, put through some amplifiers with a vocal line that took the house artist back to his roots, re-imagining Kito himself in a Pixies-ish and Modest Mouse-ish way. All by himself.

Flipside is all about bringing friends together: home-alone acoustic plus Ableton jam turning into The Vaselines meeting Weezer indie-pop band rehearsing in the garage opus. Kito with Esikov, Saya Siiang and Alina Royz re-discovering their school band experience.

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