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Smash the Bass E.P

KLouD 9

Pulse Records Miami
PRM002 | 2013-07-16  
We Rock Your World Mix (5:16)
The Hype
Hyper Ventilated Mix (5:17)
Kl0uD 9 is an upcoming Dj/Producer from New Jersey. He simply loves all styles of music. Kl0uD 9 mostly focuses his production on dutch beats because he loves the dirty vibe of the tweaked out synthesizers and raunchy Sub Kicks.

However, he does try to switch it up from time to time and bang out an Electro House track to the best of his abilities. Stay tuned for more " BanGin BeaTs " coming real soon, for this is only the beginning of Kl0ud 9's musical journey.
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