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Around The Edges


Blossom Kollektiv
BLK004 | 2013-12-16  
It's a rare pleasure, for a team working on a music label, to find an artist who's never released music before but can demonstrate such a high level of maturity and peculiarity that his music deserves immediate and unquestionable release.

This is, unquestionably, the case of portuguese born João Costa, the name of the boy behind the Daino project. João has worked as a professional jazz keyboardist, a mixing engineer and artist on many projects before, but has never had a whole release on his own name, mostly because of a perfectionist personality who is never satisfied with anything - perfect mind frame for someone who is bound to achieve great things. Luckily we where able to talk him into delivering these stunning four tracks that make up his "Around The Edges" EP", a work that comes with a brilliant remix by JEPE.

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