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807297558210 | 2014-01-30  
Wilhelm is pale like soaked atmosphere as he comes staggering out of the chemical fiber factory. He has put behind the first heavy pounding shift. As he daydreams, suddenly he notices the reverberant voice of this little guy. And not because he makes him want to dance, but because of his soft poly-vinyl-chloride shoes. What brand you might wonder? Ronte Monte Mo. But it does not matter, since both have long risen to their Lilliputs and have headed in direction consumerism. This surreal scene is just a tact in the lives of the two, but it leaves a lasting impression and will never leave the head of the listener.

After a long break from the dance floors of the world, Sunset Handjob returns with a bang. Sir Martin Waslewski manages to produce tracks that go hand in hand and give each other such an impressive bassline that will give you goose bumps. And just like William’s shift, these tracks will reverberate far into the dark walls of the electronic slaves.

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