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A Moment of Stillness in Flight

Roger Martinez

Chameleon Recordings
CHAMELEON008 | 2015-08-17  
I close my eyes and ponder this journey, my path as I so often do.
My legs continue on, moving to carry the load without question or complaint. I have walked for miles, for days, weeks and years, never wavering from the chance to find my way. I am searching, for something, though not yet revealed, the voices whisper, constantly from the crevasses of my mind. I continue on, dirt mounting through my bare toes, once sheltered by shoes that covered now callused skin. A cloud forms, dust that hovers and protects me like a blanket as I travel along my way. My eyes remain closed but I know it is there, my cloud of dust, shielding me from all that which I do not wish to see anymore. My path is forward I say aloud, alone, with belief that it is the only way I can be. I let go and my instincts clear, noise calming before me like a storm, and I can hear them speak to the very earth around me. My body raises, in my mind, images appearing in my mind so vivid and beautiful, dust clouds turned white, that I can't control the tears quivering at the corners of my eyes. I feel helpless, but found, in this moment where everything is free and as it is supposed to be. Waves of energy flow through me, over and over and amongst it I find presence of mind to open dampened eyes only to see those images not at all changed from those within my mind. I am surprised, floating there in the sky, my moment of stillness in flight, my moment to finally realise that only in this moment am I truly free.
Robbie Byrne 2015

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