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ESM214 | 2016-07-06  
It is with great pleasure that we welcome back the collaborative efforts of Gate Faze & Skyknock, who last Fall had given us the opportunity to release a gorgeous single of theirs on our Fall Sampler, which received some splendid support and wonderful feedback at the time. Now we would like to bring this beautiful production back into the spotlight for you all, accompanied of course by some brilliant remixes from two standout artists in today’s progressive/trance based community. Kicking off the remixes we have up and coming core ESM artist Makaseo stepping up to the plate for yet another home run, providing an absolute peak time fueled floor filler that is every bit as beautiful as it is beastly. Next up we also have Richard Bass making a return to the label, who provides a true melodic touch to anything he touches, emphasizing luscious atmos and brilliant energy everywhere he goes musically, and this remix is certainly no exception to that statement, as Richard delivers a stunning melodic masterpiece once more to the label. All together we feel this release packs a solid varietal punch and will be enjoyed by many different musical tastes indeed.

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