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Destination Coast


SUNMEL055 | 2016-08-31  
Canadian producer Volere makes his return to sunsetmelodies in the finest form with a three-part EP that is set to take you well-above the clouds and floating somewhere amongst the sunrise and blue skies.

The first tune "Destination Coast" is a reminder that beauty can be found in any corner and the sun-lit beaches are just a moment away. Let the inspiriting vibe, fulfilling melody, captivating progression and airy atmospheres sweep you right off your feet.

With its bliss and charming lead, you'll certainly get lost within the very first beat of "Contrail". Light and compelling, the calmative and effortless nature of the track seeps right into each and every pour and will have setting for sail into dreamscape.

"The Seafarer" is a piece of melodic, progressive house that you have to get a hold of. With its emotive chord progression, soulful character and deep composition, it is a track that will spark the light in your heart and set you on a breathtaking journey.

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