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PGHTRX-LP-02 | 2017-11-24  
The album is titled Timespan and is by the veteran Pittsburgh artist Shawn Rudiman and will be released on November 24th worldwide on 2xLP and digital.
The album is a carefully curated journey through almost 20 years of Shawn's music productions. The tracks collected here--the majority of which have not been heard outside of Shawn's studio--showcase a producer with seldom matched knowledge of studio techniques, while also hinting at his world renowned live performances. Having access to a vault of hundreds of unreleased compositions, we believe this is an important step in documenting Shawn's contribution to Pittsburgh and American dance music.

Artist Statement:

All of these tracks are simply snapshots of my life moments. They go from base-level warehouse to more cerebral sophistication. So, take them as such.
Timespan sums it up well. Some songs are almost 2 decades old, some are fresh. It's a paragraph written with words that have years between them. Somehow they still all sort of make sense together.

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