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Nicolo Simonelli

Our House
OURH029 | 2022-02-12  
Nicolò Simonelli joins Our House with a high quality single Flamenquela! Having always had a natural affinity for music, Nicolò Simonelli honed his craft over the years to become the artist that he is today. Although he receives inspiration from a number of styles, Nicolò Simonelli combines a variety of compositional elements to form his unique and authentic sound.

The steady beat combines with the creative electronic instrumental elements and the memorable guitar progression to form the immersive vibe. The rhythmic percussion systematically drops out of the mix, allowing the guitar to take the prominent position in the mix whilst also delivering just the right amount of dynamic diversity to ensure that this single is engaging from start to finish. By the time ‘Flamenquela’ draws to a close, you’ll find yourself caught up in the hypnotic vibe and in need of hitting that repeat button for another listen.

From the well balanced production and immersive composition, to the creative instrumentation and catchy hook, fans of Nicolò Simonelli, as well as those who appreciate new music, will definitely want to hear this single.

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