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Numbers Vol. 14

Various Artists

12+1 London
TPO097 | 2024-05-03  
Well known label family members as Andy Peimbert, Mai Iachetti, JP Elorriaga or YIA made the tracks included on Numbers Volume 14. Only one new face on this Extended Play, his name, Alejandro Fernandez. Spaniard rising star music producer who already signed on labels such as Viva Music, Vatos Locos or Nervous Recodings. From '0061' to '0065' on this edition where no are tittles, just numbers. From the minimalism beats from JP Elorriaga who already signed the number/track '0028' to the powerful and energetic rhythms of YIA's or Mai Iachetti's songs. Smart and groovy at the same time the master pieces from Andy and Alejandro. There is not Vol. 13 on this Series as you could see, is not about mystery, transformation or superstition, is just about respect.

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