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Drivetrain/DJ Sinjin/Marc Cotterell/Droyd Paxtone

Soiree Records
SRT165 | 2016-09-26  
DRIVETRAIN (Detroit, USA) - Twisted Samba...Derrick Thompson blends a 3 dimensional Latin inspired cocktail of African percussion with a collaboration of velvety vocals.

DJ SINJIN (Toledo, USA) - A Midnight Summers Drive...driven by an infectious bass groove, the elegant chord progression develops an animated late night stimulant.

MARC COTTERELL (Bude, UK) - Love Is The Message (Feat. Claudia)...the gravitational pull of bass repetition plus steamy sax and irresistible spoken persuasion equals pure dance intensity.

DROYD PAXTONE (Bari, ITALY) - Mephala...submerged and techy, a debut filling the atmosphere with moody pads and incessant bass rhythm; rooted in intelligence.

CHERRYLUX: sweet and juicy; deep and deluxe
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