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How JIMMEN was Born in Japan.He grew up with pops ,rock , and mainly funk music like Parliament ,kool and the gang , Earth wind and Fire, and old school hip hop like Run DMC.

In the late of 90's, He began dig Vinyls and start DJ at local clubs and bars.

After graduate University, He start working and making tracks with software called "acid".

The tool gave him many inspiration , and he immediately absorbed in the fun of creative work.

He also worked with techno record shop in Osaka.

Surrounded by so many records, he was imprinted with the core of his own house music.

Although there was a period of time away from production activities, in 2016 he began active production activities again.

JIMMEN was Born after Six months after starting production, he releases the first EP from Manuscript records at Ukraine (Owend by Igor Visotskiy)

In December of the same year, an album was released from the harley & muscle's label Soul Star.

Since then, his productions have been released by labels like

Alma Trax/Althea Records/Archivators records/Cruise Music/
DeepTech Lab/Deepwit Records/Ghetto Rhythms Records/
influx-reborn Records/KatarzisRecords/lisztomania Records/
Little Angel records/Moiss Music Black/MyOwnBeat Recodrs/
Pure Beats Records/Snork enterprises/Soulstar Records/True Deep Records/We Make NamesRecodrs

JIMMEN is a music project filled with soul by ordinary people.
The Production process does not use any special tools or hardware.

Almost all songs made with just Daw and software are simple, but very powerful, fat and funky.

He also knows that quantity produces quality, and quantity produces originality.

That's why he routinely makes songs every day.

About DJ Style

The DJ style is unique.

Unusual for house DJs, he is also good at dynamic short mix styles with crossfader.

A style that mainly plays his own music. It's a mix of jackin' groove and sweet feel, Which can only be given to JIMMEN, is very addictive.

Once you hear a DJ set , you will be addicted to it.

About his current activity

Currently ,He started his own radio program and podcast program.

He is also a unique radio personality.
His programs are mostly Talk-oriented and also deliver music of local underground artists.

Music has the power to make people happy.He has ways that only he can do, and his dream is to practice them.

Love House music.

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