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R34L is producer duo Cason Trager and Sarah Hartman. Their collaborative work feels like a journey into another dimension of space & sound. Hartman's ethereal vocals dive into a sea of synths, sparkling textures, and lush bass all woven together into a psychedelic genre-defying experience.

The two began collaborating shortly after meeting via craigslist and happenstance. Cason Trager had earlier launched his music career as bassist and producer of The Coop. Meanwhile, Sarah Hartman was producing quirky songs in her bedroom and writing in her indie-electronic band, Floating Cities. The two started trading songs back and forth and quickly realized that their musical connection had great depths to explore.

Their innovative compositions blend a unique palate of traditional instruments, modular synthesizers, and creatively manipulated field samples. R34L's live performance features improvised elements and live-looping, and is often combined with an immersive display of colorful live visuals.

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