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UY177 | 2023-04-14  
On our radar for some time, Berlin outfit Eins Tiefer eventually join the fold with their 7th EP for Upon You, 'Bear Market'.

Exponents of a sound that merges an enthralling sense of melodic escapism with spontaneous floor combustion, the pair has us surfing raucous sine waves and untamed envelopes with sustained panache and invention throughout.

The epitome of heavy-duty techno-house, 'Bearflag' packs an undeniably brutalistic, steel-clad punch whilst retaining that touch of weirdo funk / eerie body music swagger that shall get crowds quivering in an otherworldly sense of ecstasy.

'Seriously' pursues a further clinical and stealthy route, treating us to a hot spring of face-melting machine howl and elastic bass bounce, sure to trigger off maximum response from its raving audience. Handed over to Daniel Trabold, the track trades its churning rhythmic assets for a straightforward train-like chug, boiling up to further impressive, epic amplitude. Wrapping up this much dynamic jaunt into Eins Tiefer's ever mischievous headspace,

'Tunewalk' rolls its hips to a finely engineered mix of Afro-laced sensuality, piano house tropes and opaque hardware hoodoo, altering them beyond recognition to paint a pulsating tableau in motion that shall not feel out of place either in a peak-time setting, nor when the after kicks in and the blur in your eyes expands into your soul.

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