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Can't You Feel it


Ababili Recordings
ARS068 | 2024-03-01  
In shadows draped, a hollow drum,
The heart's lament, the soul succumb.
Numbed by whispers, echoes hum,
A silent storm, emotions numb.

Through misty veils, where dreams are spun,
In silent depths, where tears have run.
A fragile thread, a chord undone,
In numbness' grasp, the spirit's shun.

Yet in the quiet, a spark may come,
A gentle breeze, a distant hum.
To thaw the ice, the barriers numb,
And let the light of feeling drum.

So in the numbness, hold the sum,
Of pain and joy, the battles won.
For in the depths, where shadows plum,
A phoenix rises, towards the sun.

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