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DEFP014 | 2018-04-16  
Original Mix (5:44)
Original Mix (6:46)
Original Mix (5:56)
Every once in a while we receive a demo that stops us in our tracks. They often say, when you know, you just know. There are no words to explain it, no explanations, it is beyond definition.

Default Position have been blessed with the privilege of bringing you the first ever EP by Vidno; a Polish born DJ, producer and broadcaster, hailing from the city of Plock. The EP is very difficult to categorise. It is completely unique, but without trying to be. Drawing on influences from Sebastian Mullaert and the like, Vidno employs subtle acid like sequences, which bubble subtly beneath layer upon layer of rich, moody, organic pads, drones and melancholy arpeggios. Every sound works in complete and perfect harmony, nothing is out of place, everything belongs.

We congratulate Vidno on a demonstration of true mastery and hope his incredible three track EP travels far and wide, though out the land of Oz!

Release date: April 16th 2018.

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