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The False and Lying Gods


Chippy Chasers
CC03 | 2023-08-29  
Buying a couple of tickets to an exhibition of abstract art is just half of the deal because you still need to manage to have fun. For this purpose, an audio guide is intended for this cursed art gallery. It seems like someone lives on the other side of the canvases. It is waiting for the chance to grab your hand and drag you away. The voices in the headphones unavoidably intensify the reality.

– These silhouettes are alarming, Needle...
– Definitely, Plate!
– I haven't seen something like this for a long time.
– It looks creepy in combination with the sound. Choosing Bauch's music as an accompaniment was a great idea!

Another cultural weekend has a chance to turn into something fascinating – especially when everything is filled with ornate geometry and pedigreed arrangements.

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