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Artificial Biotope


Chippy Chasers
CC04 | 2023-10-10  
The bar counter of one of the local pubs comes to life every time the darkness falls. It has happened at this themed party dedicated to the love of nature as well. Among the guests, Plate stands out by deftly drinking alcoholic shots. Looking around, he recognized painfully familiar faces in the distance.

– That's impossible!
– Who did you see there?
– Never mind, Needle, it must be a mistake. I just need to read less comic books before bed.

The vibe of the analogue set is inviting to merge with the pulse of the crowd. In a warm circle of like-minded people, it can't be otherwise: the intersection of genres kindles a passion for discoveries, and the mutual support makes these discoveries priceless. To know their charm, you have to spend more than one night sharing a bed with music.
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